Thursday, March 20, 2008

Spring Reading Thing 2008

I've decided to join this challenge because, for some reason, I tend to read less during the spring and summer months.
Hopefully this will keep me motivated. ;-)

I may completely change the list later on. lol
These are not the type of books I usually read-check out the rest of this blog if you don't believe me. ;-)

If I start reading these and absolutely hate them, I will have to change the list. I know, I know. I'm fickle. I'm totally aware of this. lol

Here is my reading list:

The Yada Yada Prayer Group

Sisterchicks on the Loose

Sisterchicks do the Hula

Sisterchicks in Sombreros (if my request on PBS gets accepted- been waiting for 2 days)

Village Diary - Miss Read

The Red Tent (I must admit, I feel a bit reluctant to start this one. I'm not sure why. I may end up removing it from the list.)

something by Jodi Picoult (Depends on what I can find at the library. I've never read anything by her, and I'm ready to give it a try).


Pattie said...

I love Yada Yada and Sisterchick books. They're GOOD Christian fiction, I think.

I wasn't too thrilled with "The Red Tent." But that's just me.

Nise' said...

Fun list! Give The Red Tent a try, i thought it was really good.

CeeCee said...

You will absolutely love the Yada's. I'm on the seventh book. I have Jodi Picoult on my list this year. Enjoy your reading!

Deena Peterson said...

I read Nineteen Minutes, and it wasn't bad, if that helps! But you have a great list, and there's a new Sisterchick novel due out soon:-)

Beckyb said...

I liked the red tent too - interesting read. AND I do enjoy Jodi Picoult too - there have only been a few of hers that I haven't liked. Great list!!

Katrina @ Callapidder Days said...

Changing your list is completely allowed! I'll be reading Picoult's Nineteen Minutes this spring. So far, I've read My Sister's Keeper and Plain Truth by her, and enjoyed them both. Thanks for being part of SRT '08!

Amy said...

The Red Tent is actually a very engrossing read...

Juli said...

The first two chapters or so of the Red Tent are terrible and then the book gets really good! I'd definitely give it a shot! Happy Reading!

Kate said...

Yay, love the sisterchicks and Jodi Picoult...Plain Truth and Vanishing Acts were good...enjoy! Happy Reading!