Saturday, March 29, 2008

Sisterchicks on the Loose- Robin Jones Gunn

274 pages

First Sentence: When my husband, Jeff, tells this story, he says it started the day I dyed my hair green.

I am really glad I decided to try something new for this reading challenge.
I normally do not read "chick lit" but I have been curious about Sisterchicks and the Yada Yadas, so I decided to give it a try.

I loved this book. This may be the best book I've read this year (next to Harry Potter, that is ;-)). I liked it even better than "The Yada Yada Prayer Group." It was a fun, feel-good, beautifully written book. I can't wait to read more in this series.

Book Description
SISTERCHICK (n.): A friend who shares the deepest wonders of your heart, loves you like a sister, and provides a reality check when you're being a brat.

Unlikely best friends Sharon, quiet mother of four, and Penny, former flower child/motorcycle mama, hatch a plan for a "post-kids" trip to seek out Penny's only living relatives somewhere in far-off Finland.
The land of reindeer, saunas, and starry nights holds infinite promise for the free-flying sisterchicks, who feel their hearts fill with a new zest for living . . . and a fresh view of the One who flung the galaxies across the heavens!

Last sentence (or 3 ;-)): Forever eighteen. Forever knit together by the same hands that dimpled the moon with His thumbprint. Forever sisterchicks.

2008 total: 11
pages read: 5,083

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