Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Fall Reading Challenge

I've decided to join the "Fall into Reading" challenge.

I've always been an avid reader, but lately I've fallen behind a bit.
I am hoping this challenge will give me a jump start. :-)

I am not going to post a list of books that I want to read because, to be honest, I don't have many books here at home that I haven't already read. Also, our local library doesn't have a very big selection, so I choose whatever looks interesting each time I go.

Instead I am setting a goal of 10 books.

On my sidebar, I posted the list of books I got this week.
They include 3 Newbery award winners.
I am reading them in honor of my friend, Natalie.
She issued a Newbery Challenge shortly before her death this summer.


Deena Peterson said...

Good list! We have 'The Way of the Master' and my husband says it's wonderful reading!

Katrina @ Callapidder Days said...

Ten books sounds like a great goal for the fall. Do-able, yet it will still take some discipline. Thanks for being part of the challenge -- enjoy your reading!