Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Santa Cruise- Mary Higgins Clark

I am a big fan of Mary Higgins Clark.

That is why is pains me to say that this book was really bad.

There wasn't really any mystery to the story at all.

The characters were confusing, especially the Reillys:
Nora Regan Reilly, her daughter Regan Reilly, Regan's husband who also happens to have the last name of Reilly (and who calls Regan "Reilly Reilly"), and then there was Nora's husband whose name I forget.

There were a lot of characters, most of which were very under developed. It was hard to keep up with all of them. The plot felt was shaky. At times it felt like 2 separate stories that had been pieced together.

I hate to write such a terrible review (especially about one of my favorite authors), but this book was just really, really bad.

I'm sorry. :-(

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