Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Favorite Quotes from "Speaking from Among the Bones"

"It was one of those glorious days in March when the air was so fresh that you worshipped every whiff of it; that each breath of the intoxicating stuff created such new universes in your lungs and brain you were certain you were about to explode with sheer joy."

"Whenever I'm a little blue I think about cyanide, whose color so perfectly reflects my mood."

"Why didn't nature provide us with a headlamp in the middle of our foreheads, something like the glowworm, but with our lights on the opposite end? And more powerful, of course- it would have been a matter of simple phosphorescent chemistry."

"I believe Daffy referred to such an extravagant outpouring of praise as an encomium and I realized that I had not been given an encomium for a very long while."

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